Organization Details

Organization name: Communitere Org
Address: 123 Dummy Address

Organization Contact

Contact person: John Doe
Contact e-mail: [email protected]

Project Details

Project name: Tacloban Rescue
Date: 2015-04-25

Project Description

Project description text (this is a dummy description)

Project Coordinator

Coordinator: Jane Doe
E-mail address: [email protected]
Contact #: 09261234567

About Project: Tacloban Rescue

Q: What role, if any, does Haiti Communitere or Philippines Communitere play in your project?
A: A lot of roles...

Q: Are there specific resources or support that Communitere needs to provide to contribute to the success of this program?
A: Yes

Q: If yes, please specify what those needs are:
A: Medical, financial & manpower assistance, etc.

Q: If successful, what does this project hope to accomplish?
A: World peace

Q: Is there an expectation of repeating or duplicating this project in this country or at a different location?
A: No

Q: Is this the first project that your organization has run at a Communitere location?
A: Yes

Project Photos